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Specializing in Affordable Housing

& Community Redevelopment

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Hans Lampart, founder, president, and CEO of Eastern Pacific Development and Brookfield Construction has worked with communities to successfully develop and operate affordable housing and community redevelopments. With expertise in development, construction, and property management, Eastern Pacific brings a wealth of experience to every project, particularly in the area of tax credits. The ability to navigate a complex application process is one critical component and the key to a successful tax credit award. That credit, allocated just once a year by the federal government, provides the funding to develop successful projects. This knowledge of the process, combined with a proven formula for securing qualified investors to finance the development and purchase the tax credit, sets Eastern Pacific apart from its competition and assures a successful affordable housing redevelopment for the host community.

Senior Housing

Specializing in the highest quality, affordable housing for our seniors, we look forward to educating communities on the benefits and needs of low-cost housing which can often utilize some of their older buildings and complexes.

Community Redevelopment

With more than 25 years in the business of development and construction, Eastern Pacific Development and Brookfield Construction have been successfully developing and operating affordable housing for senior citizens.

Tax Credits

Our proven track record of development, experience, construction know-how and tax credit knowledge can get the most resources for your future project. We have what it takes to make the most of your LITHC, New Market and Historic tax credits.


President Hans Lampart, who also serves as the President of the South Jersey Builders League, and the companies have been recognized on a number of occasions for excellence including most recently by the Builders League of South Jersey as the 2016 Builder of the Year; the Builders League of South Jersey for the 2016 Best Architectural Design Rental Community-Winslow Cross Creek; the New Jersey Builders Association 2016 Builder of the Year; and the Builders League of South Jersey 2016 Rental Community of the Year-Winslow Cross Creek. Lampart also received the Builders League of South Jersey 2017 Rental Project of the Year-Landis Senior Apartments.

In The News

December 1, 2023 in News

Eastern Pacific Development Accepts Numerous Awards at the 2023 MAME Awards

Eastern Pacific Development/Brookfield Construction emerged triumphant at the recent 2023 MAME Awards hosted by the Builders League of South Jersey. The night was a celebration of innovation, creativity, and excellence…
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Recent Projects

March 9, 2023

Salem Senior Village

March 9, 2023

Phoenix 2 Family

March 9, 2023

Winslow Phase 5

March 9, 2023

Newcomb Phase 2

March 9, 2023

Winslow Phase 3: Family

March 9, 2023

Winslow Phase 4: Senior

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